
This study aims to analyze the effect of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness on consumer attitudes and the impact on purchase decision at PT Tokopedia in Jabodetabek. Population in this study is the entire PT Tokopedia consumers in Jabodetabek, and the sampling method using purposive sampling. The data in this study were collected through questionnaire using Likert scale from 119 respondents who had transaction at least once in the last three months at PT Tokopedia. Data is processed using Linear Structural Relationship (LISREL) software version 8.8. The result shows that perceived ease of use has negative and insignificant impact on consumer attitudes, perceived usefulness has positive and significant impact on consumer attitudes, perceived ease of use has positive and insignificant impact on purchase decision, perceived usefulness has positive and insignificant impact on purchase decision, and consumer attitudes has positive and significant impact on purchase decision.


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