The Evaluation of Digital Brand Storytelling Implementation in Local Brand
In the digital era, where there are so many choices of brands, each brand must have good communication skills with its audience. One strategy that is now widely applied in various brands is the brand storytelling technique. Telling stories on social media is not just writing or just uploading content but must interact with the audience. Now, every brand must survive with good customer engagement with its consumers to be sustainable. Every brand certainly has a meaningful story that is shared with its audience through various strategies. Therefore, every brand must recognize and evaluate the brand storytelling strategy that has been implemented. Through brand storytelling, consumers will become part of the brand and engage for a long time. Implementation of brand storytelling needs to pay attention to the performance of the content marketing and how to arrange the elements of the signature stories in the strategy. The result of this study are solutions that can be applied to strengthen brand storytelling on Sewderhana Goods.
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