Implementation of Fibonacci Retracements and Exponential Moving Average (EMA) Trading Strategy in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Based on KSEI statistic data on March 2021, IDX individual stock market investor is increasing 199% compared to 2018 becoming 4,848,954 number of investors. 56.9% population of the individual investor is having ages that less than 30 years. In the period where IDX was bullish in November 2020 - January 2021, there is a phenomenon where stocks influencers appeared in social media and impacted to the stock price movement after the announcement is done by the influencer. In contrary, during bearish and sideways condition, those influencers were gone and changed with bad news that went viral where many individual investors are lost their capital in IDX. They lose money since they are gambling in the stock market without any analysis and no establishment of trading plan. This research is aimed as a strategy to individual investors in IDX to implement trading strategy based on Fibonacci retracements and projections, EMA lines, trendlines, stochastic, and volume. Back testing is conducted in IDX SMC Liquid index constituents during January 2018 until December 2020 period. By implementing this trading strategy, return generated is 164% for 3 years trading time frame. Author also found that this trading strategy is effective in bullish trend condition especially for individual investors that have long position.
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