Analytical Review of Application of Problem Tree Analysis As a Project Design Tool For Enhancing Performance of Community Based in Kenya
The purpose of this study was to establish how application of problem tree analysis influences performance of community based projects in Kenya. The study was employed descriptive research design. A sample of 128 was obtained from a target population of 192 respondents through stratified random sampling procedure from different community based organizations. Data were collected by a questionnaire and an interview guide. Qualitative data was analyzed through checking data, developing codes, identifying themes and patterns. Data was summarized then linked to the objectives and hypotheses. Quantitative data was analyzed where both descriptive and inferential statistics was generated. Descriptive results were presented as frequency tables, percentages, arithmetic means and standard deviation. Inferential statistics were analyzed using Pearson’s Product Moment correlation (r) from simple regression and multiple regression analysis. F-test was used to test the hypotheses. Tests of statistical assumptions were carried out before analysis. In this study; R2=0.214; F (8.971) at p=0.000<0.05; therefore, H0 was rejected and it was concluded that the application of project tree analysis has statistically significant influence on the performance of community based projects. In conclusion, the most dominant indicator was project problem identified, followed by project root causes and project effects. The application of project tree analysis had a statistically significant influence on the performance of community based projects. The findings add to Project Management Body of Knowledge by empirically proving that the application of project tree analysis had statistically significant influence on the performance of community based projects.
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