The Role of Brand Image Mediate the Influence of Price Fairness on Purchase Decisions for Local Fashion Brand Products
This study aims to explain the role of brand image in mediating the effect of price fairness on purchasing decisions of Indonesia Local Fashion Brand named JOGER. This research was conducted in Denpasar with 120 respondents. Path analysis and Sobel test with SPSS for windows program are used. The results indicate that price fairness has positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Price fairness has positive and significant effect on brand image. Brand image has positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions. Price fairness has positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions on JOGER products with brand image mediation. This study provide evidence on the development of marketing management science and consumer behavior science, Consumer Behavior is a process that is closely related to the existence of a buying process, at that time consumers carry out activities such as searching, researching, and evaluating products and services in particular. regarding brand image, price fairness and purchasing decisions.
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