
The goal of this study was to figure out what kind of link there was between Meaningfulness, a psychological empowerment characteristic, and employee innovative behaviour. The study was done in the telecommunications industry, which is a big business in Nigeria's south-south area. It used a lot of questionnaires to get the information it needed. Using metrics like idea generation, idea development, and idea implementation, the researchers were able to measure how creative each employee was. They were chosen from a pool of 310 people in the telecommunications industry. The data was looked at both descriptively and inferentially. We used the Spearman Rank Order Correlation Coefficient (rho) in the descriptive analysis, while regression analysis and the Spearman Rank Order Correlation Coefficient (rho) were used in the inferential analysis. Based on what the research said, meaningfulness had a mild positive relationship on idea formation and development. However, it also had a high and significant effect on how the concept was put into practice. Thus, the data showed, among other things, that meaningfulness is important when it comes to certain tasks, and it also plays a big role in the collective action that positions businesses in their industry.


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