The Effect of Sales Promotion and Store Atmosphere Mediated by Positive Emotion on Impulse Buying for Customers in Bookstores
This study aims to analyze the effect of sales promotion, and store atmosphere on impulse buying with positive emotion as a mediator on consumers of Gramedia Bookstore at Level 21 Mall in Denpasar with 100 respondents. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires, then the data was processed using path analysis. The results show that sales promotion and store atmosphere have a positive and significant effect on positive emotion. Simultaneously it is proven that sales promotion and store atmosphere have a positive and significant effect on positive emotion. Sales promotion, store atmosphere, and positive emotion partially have positive and significant effects on impulse buying. Simultaneously sales promotion, store atmosphere, and positive emotion also have a positive and significant effect on impulse buying. However, the positive emotion variable was not proven to have a positive and significant effect on mediating sales promotion and store atmosphere variables on impulse buying.
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