
Attracting high quality human resources is a strategy in human resource development of Vinh Phuc province. This study focuses on analyzing and evaluating the status of policies on attracting high-quality talent and the results of policy implementation that Vinh Phuc province has achieved in recent years. The study has shown the limitations in activities of attracting high-quality human resources in the province such as: policies on attraction and reward of highly qualified labors have not been based on work efficiency, dedication to the development of the province; The province's policy on attracting high quality talent is still lacking in breakthroughs, not in sync with other policies. In order to overcome the limitations, and at the same time further promote the activities of attracting high quality human resources to Vinh Phuc province in the coming time, the study has proposed a number of possible policy solutions such as: Innovating in talent recruitment; Creating a favorable working environment and conditions; Implementing salary policy innovation; Enhancing treatment and honoring the attracted high quality labors.


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