
Today's banking and business environment is extensively dynamic. However, an efficient organizational culture and its specific roles regarding performance combine different culture systems, resulting in high productivity and satisfaction, thereby increasing the organization's profitability. This study assesses the interactive effects of organizational culture and its magnitude of influence on the performance of employees in GCB bank Ghana. The study further evaluates how the relationship between organizational culture and employee performance is affected when job satisfaction (moderating variable) is considered. A descriptive cross-sectional survey was conducted for 339 employees of GCB Bank in all Greater Accra Region branches in Ghana. Multiple linear regression analysis indicated that organizational culture contributes to a substantial rise in employee performance, with entrepreneurial culture implementation causing a higher increase in employee performance as compared to consensual and bureaucratic culture. The introduction of a moderating variable (job satisfaction) further suggested that its presence increases employee performance in a well-structured cultured environment. In organizations, one culture may be more effective than the other; hence, employees' performance could heighten or weaken from their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with a particular culture.


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