The Effect of Sales Promotion on Electronic Word of Mouth and Purchase Decision (Study on Bukalapak Users in Denpasar City)
Rapid technological advances cause changes in people's behavior, one of these changes causes a new trend, namely changes in people's behavior from offline to online. Bukalapak utilizes digital services through applications to respond to changes in people's behavior. Bukalapak must carry out the right strategy so that consumers feel interested and make purchasing decisions at Bukalapak. This study aims to explain the effect of sales promotion on electronic word of mouth and purchase decision. This research was conducted in Denpasar City with the number of samples taken as many as 143 respondents with a questionnaire tool. The sample is determined using a non-probability sampling model with a purposive sampling method. The data analysis technique used is path analysis with the help of the SPSS program. The results of the analysis show that all hypotheses are accepted. Sales promotion has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, sales promotion has a positive and significant effect on electronic word of mouth, electronic word of mouth has a positive effect on purchase decision and electronic word of mouth is able to mediate the effect of sales promotion on purchase decision. The result shows that efforts to obtain optimal purchasing decisions require a good sales promotion analysis and electronic word of mouth so that a good electronic word of mouth would affect the implications of the effect of sales promotion on purchasing decisions towards optimal improvement.
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