
PT Hutama Karya (Persero) (PT HK), which one of the Indonesian State-Owned Company (SOE) that was assigned to operate the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS), has implemented Building Information Modeling (BIM) for construction control in terms of Cost, Quality, and Time since 2021. The Indralaya-Prabumulih intersection is one of the projects implementing BIM, which is expected to be a solution for completing this 65 km project. However, there are still inconsistencies in its implementation, as evidenced by the assessment carried out from January 2021 to October 2021, where achievements above 100% occurred in the first five months. However, starting from the sixth month, a decline of 83% began. This condition continued until the 10th month when the scores were below 100%, and some were even below 75%. It is necessary to evaluate the performance of BIM implementation at PT HK and find the alternative to improve performance of BIM Implementation. The cause of the implementation of BIM at PT HK, which has not reached the expected target, is due to several obstacles, namely the making of the DED 3D model image using BIM is slow, the 3D model shop image is not following the development schedule, and the BIM infrastructure cannot be implemented properly. Based on the analysis, several dominant problems must be resolved, namely standard procedures that are not following conditions in the field, a corporate culture that has not placed BIM as important and has not been able to adapt to technology quickly, and a new company has developed a KM system so that the transfer of BIM knowledge has not gone well. The proposed alternative solution is to eliminate Non Value Added Activity by making a Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) for making shop drawings, changing culture with the ADKAR concept and choosing a Knowledge Management System with the Analytic Hierarchy Process. The proposed alternative solution is expected to improve the performance of BIM implementation in PT HK.


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