Analysis of the Effect of Company Performance on Company Value with Profitability as an Intervening Variable
The existence of a company in the capital market can be seen by investors and potential investors as a benchmark for its performance, not only focusing on the high profits achieved by the company, but also looking at the value of the company. The objective of the research is to examine the effect of company performance on company value with profitability as an intervening variable. The sample in this research were 7 health sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2020 with the samples selection by using the purposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique used in this research is Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis. The results show that Size and Growth do not affect ROA while DER has a negative and significant effect on ROA. Size, DER, and ROA have a positive and significant effect on PBV while Growth has a negative and significant effect on PBV. Then ROA does not mediate the relationship of size, growth, and DER to PBV.
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