Effect of Perceived Risk and Perceived Value on Customer Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction as Intervening Variables on Bukalapak Users
The increase in e-commerce users is an opportunity for the marketplace to enter Indonesia. The number of marketplaces makes consumers more selective in shopping. To continue to compete, the marketplace cannot focus on getting new buyers, but must also create loyalty for existing customers. The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of perceived risk and perceived value on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction as an intervening variable. This research was conducted on 108 respondents, data was collected using google forms. This study was measured using 18 indicators and the analytical tool used was PLS (Partial Least Square). The results show that all hypotheses were accepted. Perceived risk has a negative and significant effect on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Perceived value has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty, and customer satisfaction plays a significant role in mediating the influence between perceived risk and perceived value on customer loyalty. The implementation of this study shows that in creating customer loyalty, Bukalapak's management is expected to be able to optimize the risk and value perceived by consumers, as well as customer satisfaction which can also increase customer loyalty.
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