
One of the benefits of smartphones in terms of software is the availability of data access services. The large selection of products offered by smartphone companies allows brand switching to occur. This brand shift occurred because of the decline in the community's economy due to Covid-19 which made people tend to buy goods at cheaper prices, although cheap, they can be utilized and used according to the functions and needs of consumers. This research is important because it is so that business owners know what things make consumers commit and switch to a brand. This research was conducted in Badung Regency, and the number of samples used was 110 respondents. Data was collected using a questionnaire survey approach. Data were analyzed using PLS (Partial Least Square) data analysis technique. The results of this study indicate that Customer Equity has a positive and significant effect on brand switching. Customer Equity has a positive and significant effect on brand commitment. Brand commitment has a negative and significant impact on brand switching. Brand commitment is positively and significantly able to mediate customer equity and brand switching.


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