
The field of creative writing is very diverse for professional practice. There has been a drastic digital acceleration that has forced the customers' behavior to adjust dynamically. The usage of digital platform services for film and the market demands in creative writing, especially screenplays, indicate a growing trend. For Laskara Creative, a fledgling company in the creative writing industry, this growth gives pertinent business-to-business opportunities. Analyzing the business ecosystem in the creative industry gives Laskara Creative insight on how to construct business-to-business opportunities that has the potential to be profitable and have a positive impact on the society. The process begins with an analysis of the company’s and industry’s ecosystem, both internally and externally, utilizing several tools and theories drawn from the literature study, including Porter’s Diamond, Porter’s Five Forces, and Resource Based View Analysis. Utilizing the Market Opportunity Analysis (MOA), the comprehensive external and internal analyses were combined. According to the Market Opportunity Analysis, the company is now in a good position but may face many difficulties if it is unable to convert its own resources, creativity, and connections into possibilities. The company’s existing business process and ecosystem are still far from ideal, which should create value for the common set of customers by creating a virtuous cycle supported by the intersectional relationship. To create an ideal business-to-business opportunity through cross-sectional collaboration consisting of shared IP, creative supply chains, and technology, that includes academia, government, business, and civil society, a Variable Quadruple Helix approach is advised. The process of formulating the opportunities is supported by Ardichvili's theories of Business Opportunity and Value Creation Capabilities.


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