The Effect of Transactional Leadership Style of the Head of Emergency Room, Teamwork and Work Environment on The Compliance Level of Health Worker in the Use of Electronic Medical Record with Motivation as an Intervening Variable at Tarakan Hospital
Document management using a computer-based system in the health sector which is becoming a global trend is the Electronic Medical Record (EMR). EMR is a sub-system of health information that has begun to be widely applied in Indonesia. Based on the results of data from the Tarakan Hospital, only 24% of EMR usage was found in July 2021 in the Emergency Room. This study aims to analyze the effect of the transactional leadership style of the head of the emergency department, teamwork and work environment on the level of compliance of health workers in implementing EMR with motivation as an intervening variable in Tarakan Hospital. This study is a cross-sectional study with a quantitative causality approach. By using purposive sampling technique, as many as 100 health workers were sampled in this study. Statistical tests were performed using frequency distribution and path analysis. Most (60%) of the subjects were >30 years old, most (59%) had an undergraduate education level, and most (62%) had worked >5 years. The results of the analysis in this study indicate that the transactional leadership style of the ER head, teamwork, work environment, affects the level of compliance of health workers in implementing EMR with motivation as an intervening variable in the ER at Tarakan Hospital. Therefore, support is needed in the implementation of EMR with the right standard operating procedures so that it can be carried out and developed to the maximum.
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