
Traditional fishermen are characterized as poor people with low levels of education and living standards. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the household income of traditional fishermen in the Galesong District. This research was conducted in Galesong District, Takalar Regency. The population in this study were all traditional fishermen who use outboard motors. A sampling of traditional fishermen was done by random sampling method and selected 58 traditional fishermen who use outboard motorboats. The data obtained were then analyzed using descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that fishermen in Galesong District earned an average profit of IDR 288,900 per trip. The results of multiple linear regression analysis obtained that; fishing experience, number of retreats at sea, number of workers, and dummy variables have a positive and significant effect in increasing fishermen's income. Meanwhile, the level of education and the number of family members have a positive but not significant effect on increasing the income of traditional fishermen on the coast of Galesong District.


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