Influence of the Audit Committee on the Quality of Financial Reports in Lebanese Private Sector
In recent years, the global economy has been going through a severe downturn, which has led to the failure of several banks and corporations as well as a wide range of other financial problems. During those difficult times, its financial reports received a great deal of attention in many nations. The greatest worry was over the quality of such reports as well as the volume of their reporting and to what extent do they impact the worth of a particular firm or organization. The reporting of financial information has a significant impact, not only on the global financial markets but also on the financial information of firms. This is where the audit committee comes in; it is the body that is responsible for the reporting of financial information. The data will be gathered during the distribution of the survey via the use of google forms with a sample size of three hundred and fifty respondents for the purpose of data collection. For the sake of statistical analysis and the validation of hypotheses, the data that was obtained will be evaluated using google forms. It was determined in this study how many different features of AC impact financial reporting made by Lebanon-based firms. A survey was administered to 350 people as part of this study in order to gather data. Statistical software was used to examine the relationship between the independent variables (size, experience, and independence of the AC) and their dependent variable (quality of financial reports of companies) on the one hand.
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