
Employee motivation is an ongoing fight for organizations. Arousal, direction, and persistence of planned activity with a purpose are all characteristics of motivation. A company's workers are critical to its future development and success. In many ways, they represent a company's image. Employees are the most critical resource a business may utilize to complete its tasks since they are the most valuable, expensive, and inconsistent. The research focused on quantitative methodology for collecting data and for evaluating the impact of performance appraisals on the performance of employees in the workplace. Data from primary and secondary sources will be gathered and merged to provide a complete picture of the relationship between 360-degree performance evaluations and employee motivation. The survey had been distributed using google forms over a sample of 100 respondents in Lebanese Companies, and the data had been treated using SPSS statistical tool and the results had been displayed in the form of descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed a direct relationship between management by objectives, 360 degree appraisal, performance appraisal, and organizational performance.


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