The Role of Motivation in Mediation of Job stress on Performance of General Hospital Employees
The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of job stress on employee performance through motivation as a mediation. This research was conducted at Puri Raharja General Hospital. The number of samples used in this study were 66 people using the saturated sample method. Data was collected using a survey approach, where the research instrument used was a questionnaire. The collected data was then analyzed using path analysis techniques. In this study, the theory used is Attribution Theory. The results of this study indicate that Job stress has a negative and significant effect on employee performance at the Puri Raharja General Hospital. Job stress has a negative and significant effect on motivation at Puri Raharja General Hospital. Motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at Puri Raharja General Hospital. Motivation is able to mediate the effect of job stress on the performance of Puri Raharja General Hospital employees.
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