
The volume of corporate bond issuance in Indonesia has fluctuated from 2015-2020 following the economic developments. The Covid 19 pandemic in 2020 caused declining in companies issuing bonds. The pandemic led a big impact on the bond market. Low key interest rates decrease the return obtained in bond investment. The economic slowdown has pushed the central bank of Indonesia cut the key rates from 5% to 3.75% in 2020. The lower key rates will cause an increase in bank loans then the government can control economic growth and inflation rate. Partially, the study aims to analyze the effect of the current ratio, debt to equity, return on assets, total assets, and maturity on the yield to maturity of bonds traded on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2020. Quantitative methods with an associative approach are used as research methods. 302 corporate bonds issued by 69 companies took into a sample in this study. The sampling method used purposive judgment sampling. Data analysis of the proposed hypothesis used the multiple linear regression method by using the SPSS version 24 program. The research found that there was a significant effect among the return on assets, total assets, and maturity variables on the bond’s yield. However, the current ratio and debt to equity variables were found to have no effect on the yield to maturity of all corporate bonds traded on the IDX in 2020.


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