The Effectiveness of Patient Safety Training in Cikupa Hospitals: Study Quasi Experiment
Patient safety is the absence of danger that can threaten the patient during treatment. In RS X Cikupa Tangerang found the highest incidence was KNC 338 (44%), KPC 306 (40%), KTC 104 (13.5%) and KTD 20 (2.5%) incidents. This is due to the lack of training for nurses. To analyze differences in nurse compliance in the application of patient safety goals before and after Patient Safety Goals training. The type of research is quantitative with a quasi-experimental design using the group pretest-posttest design with the Wilcoxon test. The data taken came from primary data collection, with questionnaires and nurse compliance observation sheets. From a population of 102 people with a total sample of 62 people. The results showed that there were differences in nurse compliance in the application of patient safety goals before and after training, p-value <0.05 with a percentage increase of 27.4% SKP 1, 33.9% SKP 2 and 17.7% SKP 5, in addition, there were an increase in the percentage of knowledge by 24.2%, attitude 16.2%, and behavior 1.6% towards SKP 1, SKP 2 and SKP 5 after being given training. There are differences in the compliance, knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of nurses on the implementation of Identification Process 1 (SKP 1), Implementation of Effective Communication (SKP 2), and Implementation of Hand Hygiene (SKP 5) before and after training.
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