
The e-commerce fashion industry is rapidly evolving. As the seasons change, consumer preferences shift according to context. As recorded during the COVID-19 outbreak, many significant changes in style, behavior, and habits are either for adults or children. Hence, to capture this change, businesses must collaborate with their customers in developing products to avoid failure and meet positive perceptions. A qualitative methodology was used as an approach. Primary data come from interviews, documentation, and question boxes with purposive sampling. Secondary data includes articles, books, journals, and technical documents. The analysis for this study finds the main results for the next new product development by co-creation process. First, there are main preferences that must be put on children's clothing such as soft fabric, adorable, fashionable, and fit size; second, the author developed an integrative collaboration involving external and internal participation, and engagement as requisites for five co-creation processes (co-ideation, co-evaluation, co-design, co-test, and co-launch) in product development; third, participant in this study give a positive response to the product in accordance with ideation proposal and inputs.


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