
The hospital is an integral part of a social and health organization which function is to provide comprehensive, curative and preventive services to the community. Patient safety is the right of the patient, the patient has the right to obtain his security and safety during the treatment period in the hospital. Based on data from patient visits at Private RSIA Type B at Jakarta, there were 50,842 outpatients and 2932 inpatients in 2020. In 2021 there was an increase for 54,794 outpatients and 3091 inpatients. The results of the incident reporting in 2020 contained 80 reports of patient safety incidents that occurred and there was a decrease to 74 reports in 2021. The incident report is a record of every event or situation that can result in or has potential to cause harm that should not have occurred. This study uses a quantitative approach with a causal design research design using a covariant-based Structural Equation Model (SEM), namely AMOS, aiming to analyze the effect that can increase Patient Safety Incident’s reporting in hospitals. This study used a sample of 143 hospital staff. Research results: Leadership style and blame culture have a significant positive effect on increase Patient Safety Incident’s reporting through perceived organizational support. based on the results of the measurement of probability values, R2 and CR using SEM. Based on the results of the study, the implications of this study indicated magnitude of the influence of leadership style and blame culture through perceived organizational support which can increase Patient Safety Incident’s reporting, marked by creating improvements, and providing support for changing the blame culture to a just culture in order to increase staff awareness to work in an orderly administration and orderly Standard Operating Procedure.


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