Leveraging the Characteristics of Location-Based Communication in Online Marketing
Contemporary online marketing communications are increasingly integrated with modern technologies and innovative solutions. Locationbased technologies are one of the approaches that help a business target customers precisely based on their geographic location. Eventually, a number of benefits can be obtained by integrating location-based technologies into marketing strategies. However, it requires a high level of professionalism and may be followed by various complications and risks. Nevertheless, location-oriented marketing can be regarded as one of the most efficient approaches in today’s marketing communications. Therefore, it is necessary to research it theoretically, study practical cases and make relevant conclusions. It will allow businesses to improve their decisions concerning various marketing activities: audience segmentation, precise targeting, collecting and processing analytical data, and planning large-scale marketing campaigns. In this process, customer data privacy is one of the most important issues, which is a separate, complex object of research. Therefore, this paper focuses on reviewing characteristics, opportunities, consumer behavior traits, and benefits of location-based communication in the marketing context. The final parts of the paper provide an overall analysis of the issue and a list of recommendations as a conclusion.
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