
The purpose of this research is to strengthen the function of organizational commitment as a mediator in the process of improving transformational leadership abilities in order to improve the performance of employees working in hotels. There is a positive correlation between all of the variables; in addition to this, transformational leadership has an effect on both employee performance and organizational commitment. Another very significant aspect is the role that organizational commitment plays as a mediator in the connection between transformational leadership and employee performance. This is an extremely crucial aspect. The use of variable organizational commitment as a mediator of the relationship between transformational leadership and employee performance in the research that was carried out in the scope of research at a star hotel in Central Java is a novel approach that contributes to the advancement of the field. The findings of this research have a number of further theoretical ramifications for transformational leadership. In the history of the hospitality industry in Central Java, Indonesia, this particular study has never been carried out. The participants in the study were all staff working in hotels rated as four stars that were located in Central Java, Indonesia. 185 people participated in the study and were included in the sample for analysis. In order to do the analysis, the Amos SEM program was used.


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