
Background: Hospitals as one of the health facilities are required to be able to provide quality services according to standards and run function by comprehensive, curative, and preventive to society. Source power existing human - at home sick almost more of 50% is nurse. Evaluation of one's performance nurse is quality nursing care. The determinant of performance is organizational commitment, nurses in her job need skill management for help cooperation to achieve desired goal. For increase performance achieved to the maximum need existence gift system rewards or compensation work. Research purposes: Analyze influence function management head room care and system rewards to performance as well as commitment organization as variable mediation at Dr Sitanala Hospital. Research methods: quantitative research using method approach explanatory causality due to knowing the relationship between variables. The sample in this study was a total sampling, that is, all implementing nurses totaled 100 people. The analysis technique uses multiple linear regression analysis Research results: (1) function management head of ward significantly affect commitment organization; (2) the reward system significantly affects commitment organization; (3) Function management head of ward significantly affect performance nurse; (4) The reward system significantly affects performance nurse; (5) commitment organization significantly affect performance; (6) function management head room care and reward system indirectly significantly affect performance through commitment organization.


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