
The purpose of this study is to develop new knowledge in understanding the effect of electronic service quality on customer satisfaction, customer trust and customer purchase intention and to understand the mediating role of customer satisfaction and customer trust in the relationship between service quality and purchase intention in online shopping in Indonesia. The result is expected to be a better strategy in developing service quality electronically which has an impact on customer behavior. This study uses a sample of 264 online consumers in Indonesia. Analysis data using SmartPLS 4 software shows that the quality of e-service has a positive and significant effect on e-satisfaction, e-trust and e-repurchase intention. E-satisfaction and e-trust are also able to mediate the relationship between e-service quality and e-repurchase intention. In addition, the study also found that e-satisfaction has a significant and positive effect on e-trust. Overall the quality of electronic services is statistically significant and positive relationship with customer behavior. Future research is expected to be able to consider various product segments and other types of industries to ensure that the measurement works well.


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