
The study aims to provide a comprehensive literature review on customer satisfaction and intention to use mobile financial services, to find out the limitations of existing studies, and to guide a direction for future research. This research is narrative and qualitative in nature. There are 58 relevant and related articles selected for the systematic review which were mostly collected from the Scopus database and a few on snowball systems from other authentic databases. Weight analysis performs to identify the best predictors of the existing literatures and descriptive data are presented in tabular and graphical form. The study revealed that D&M IS Success model, TAM, and UTATUT theories have mostly been employed in existing literatures and SEM as frequently applied statistical techniques. Weight analysis disclosed that perceived usefulness, confirmation of expectation, trust, service quality, system quality, information quality, and perceived cost are the best predictors of customer satisfaction and perceived usefulness, satisfaction, self-efficacy, perceived benefit, hedonic motivation, perceived ease of use, and perceived risks are the best predictors of Intention to use MFS. These findings have implications for academicians to take into account such variables for developing new research frameworks and for practitioners in setting business strategies.


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