Marketing Strategy to Increase Brand Awareness and Brand Loyalty on Motogass Garage Brand
The automotive industry is a leading industry that significantly contributes to the national economy. In Indonesia, there are currently 22 industrial companies that produce four-wheeled vehicles or more. In 2021, the automotive sector will also contribute Rp. 99.16 trillion with a production capacity of 2.35 million vehicles per year and 38.39 thousand direct workers. According to Johnny Widodo, CEO of OLX Autos Indonesia, in a survey conducted in 2021, the demand for used cars will increase by around 15% - 20% during the Covid-19 pandemic. Motogass Garage is a brand that sells used vehicle units located in Bandung, Motogass Garage itself was established in 2019 by selling daily cars and hobby cars (which have investment values like classic cars). This research was conducted using a quantitative method to determine what needs to be done to increase consumer brand awareness and loyalty toward Motogass Garage. This study conducted two surveys on 103 respondents and 109 respondents as validation. Then the results that have been obtained are processed using the SPSS data processing application. This research also adopts BMC and VPC for Internal Analysis, Competitor Analysis and Porter's Five Forces for external analysis. For the results of this study, it adopts the AISAS model in describing it.
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