
The study aims to examine the impact of customer integration, internal integration, logistics collaborator integration and supply chain resilience on the resource efficiency of the supply chain firms in Karachi. Sample size included 181 responses with the help of purposive sampling, and the target population was supply chain firms of Karachi. The data was analyzed using PLS-SEM. The study found that the customer integration was significantly affecting SC resilience but negatively affecting resource efficiency. Also, internal integration was not affecting customer integration and SC resilience and resource efficiency but affecting the logistics collaborator integration. Moreover, LCI was significantly affecting customer integration, SC resilience and resource efficiency. Lastly, SC resilience was negatively affecting resource efficiency. The study recommends that the managers need to enhance their logistics collaborator integration as it was found to be significantly improving the customer integration, supply chain resilience and resource efficiency. Moreover, the managers need to improve their customer and internal integration as they can enhance their logistics collaboration integration and resource efficiency.


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