Strategy in Building Work Loyalty: The Case of Industrial Estate Companies in Indonesia
The writing of this paper is entitled the impact of job satisfaction on loyalty through the work environment and self-reward. Using primary data on industrial companies' estate that aim to find out how much impact the selected variables have in increasing job loyalty. Although many have researched work loyalty, it is still interesting to continue because there are always changes. This study used pathway analysis, which was considered close to appropriate for primary data. In terms of the data analysis results regarding the direct influence of the work environment, self-reward on job satisfaction, and its impact on employee loyalty, the hypothesis test found that the Work Environment variable has a direct effect on the Job Satisfaction variable as well as from the self-reward variable. Job Satisfaction is directly affected by the Self Reward variable. Employee loyalty is influenced by job satisfaction. This demonstrates that employee work happiness is critical and should be prioritized by the organization. Meanwhile, among other things, the work environment variable has a direct effect on loyalty, as does the self-reward variable. Employee work loyalty is increased by a positive work environment and self-reward.
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