
The study aims to evaluate how the supplier commitment, supplier attractiveness, supplier satisfaction and supplier trust are influenced by service quality, communication quality and time management quality. 157 responses were collected from the target population consisting of manufacturing firms of Karachi. Sampling technique included the purposive sampling technique and data was analyzed using PLS-SEM. The study found that supplier satisfaction was positively and significantly impacting supplier attraction, supplier commitment and supplier trust while it was also positively and significantly impacted by communication quality, service quality and time management quality. The study has several recommendations for the managers on the basis of the results of the data analysis. The managers are recommended to focus on the various antecedents of quality as they help in enhancing the supplier satisfaction as the study also found that supplier satisfaction was essential in improving the supplier attractiveness, supplier trust and supplier commitment. By improving the communication, service and time management quality, the manufacturing firms can significantly boost their relationship with the suppliers and enhance their performance.


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