Influencing Factors of K-Drama Satisfaction and their Impacts on Fanaticism and Behavioral Intention
The goal of this research was to identify factors that affect K-drama satisfaction from the perspectives of attractiveness, credibility, connectedness, involvement, and commitment variables and their impacts on fanaticism and behavioral intention. Data were obtained through an online questionnaire given to Indonesian in Jakarta who were at least 17 years old and had seen at least one K-drama title with at least twelve episodes. This research used 266 samples, and the data were analyzed by applying the Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). Results show that (1) attractiveness, credibility and involvement have a significant positive influence on drama satisfaction, (2) drama satisfaction has a significant positive influence on both fanaticism and behavioral intention, and (3) fanaticism has a significant positive influence on behavioral intention. Furthermore, results also find that connectedness has a significant negative influence on drama satisfaction, whereas commitment has an insignificant negative influence.
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