Monitoring and Evaluation Practices, and Performance of Livelihood Development Programme: Case of Caritas Meru, Kenya
Project performance is a vital concern of the project managers and stakeholders since it measures the return on investment. Whereas a correlation between some project monitoring and evaluation practices and the performance of development projects has been established, little is known about the combined influence of monitoring and evaluation practices on the performance of livelihood development programmes. The purpose of the study was to investigate the combined influence of monitoring and evaluation practices on the livelihood development programme by Caritas Meru, Kenya. The study used cross-sectional, descriptive, and correlation research designs. The target population consisted of 465 individuals, including 441 smallholder farmer group leaders, 21 project staff, and 3 senior managers from Caritas Meru. The sample size of 191 farmer group leaders was computed and apportioned using clustering and proportionate stratified random sampling methods. The 21 project staff and 3 senior managers were sampled using the census method. Data was collected through questionnaires, interview schedules, and Focus Group Discussions. The study established that the R value= 0.589 showed a moderate correlation and the F statistic (26.81) for the combined variables regression relationship was <0.001. The null hypothesis (H0) was rejected, and the research hypothesis was subsequently supported. The study recommended a paradigm shift in policy development and implementation regarding M&E practices by Caritas Meru, NGOs, counties, the national government, and project management professionals to enhance programme performance. The study also recommends the enactment of policies on a coordinated multi-sectoral collaboration approach to promote quality data collection, analysis, and sharing. Additionally, the study suggests further research to determine the M&E capacity development aptitudes necessary for project performance.
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