
Restructuring of coal mines requires significant budgetary expenditure. A complex scientific approach will facilitate the conduction of the management of costs of hard coal mines liquidation. An analysis of the costs of the mine’s liquidation was carried out on an annual basis with the division for subsequent years of the course of processes. The presented method of signalling costs that has gone beyond the structure of acceptable values developed for 20 years of operations of SRK S.A. is a useful tool for the cost management in the field of mining plants liquidation. Not only the method can be used for the initial costs’ estimation of mining plants liquidation, but it can be used as a cost management tool as well. After some modifications, the method can be also used by any enterprise conducting the management of assets of mines put into liquidation as a comparative tool for multi–criteria cost estimation of planned mines liquidation. The tool may increase the efficiency and effectiveness of mining plant liquidation processes.


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