
This study aims to analyze the strategy to increase the number of patient visits, the obstacles that arise, and the strategies to increase the number of patient visits in private clinics. The research method uses a descriptive method with an inductive approach. Data collection through observation and interviews. Data analysis techniques using the triangulation method. The strategy for private clinics in Denpasar, Bali, especially the Bina Usada Clinic, Sos Gatotkaca Clinic, and BIC Clinic, is a growth strategy by serving all patients well regardless of patient background, following technological developments in the health sector. Constraints that arise in the strategy to increase the number of patient visits to private clinics, namely inadequate facilities and infrastructure such as parking lots, laboratories, home services, and decision-making that requires coordination with central leadership and the desire of patients who prefer specialist examinations but collided with the clinical, operational permit. The efforts to increase the number of patient visits to private clinics are implementing good service and professionalism, improving facilities and infrastructure that support clinical operations, and preparing for accreditation to become a quality clinic.


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