
The purpose of this study is to test and provide empirical evidence regarding causal cognitive mapping techniques in reducing framing bias in decision making. In this study, the bias that occurs can be measured through the risk preferences of decision makers, namely the tendency to be risk averse or risk seeking. This study used a 2x2 between subjects’ experimental design. The results of the research show that both hypotheses are supported. When information is presented in positive framing, the decision maker's risk preference tends to be risk averse, whereas if information is presented in negative framing, the decision maker's risk preference tends to be risk seeking. The study shows that the causal cognitive mapping technique's ability to reduce or reduce bias due to framing (information framing) of available decision alternatives. The implication is that decision makers should think harder in processing the available information. Causal cognitive mapping technique can assist decision makers in connecting various factors that are considered relevant in a problem.


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