Evaluation of Time, Cost, and Factors Causing Delay of Grounding and Lightning Protection Installation Project
The problem faced by one of the private construction companies in Jakarta, Indonesia is the delay in completing the grounding and lightning protection installation project. This delay resulted in both material and immaterial losses for the company. Factors that are thought to cause delays in this grounding and lightning protection installation project include man, machine, material, and environment factors. The method used in this research is the Critical Path Method (CPM) and Crashing method to accelerate the project duration and determine the effective time and cost that can be used to complete the grounding and lightning protection installation project and the root cause analysis method with fishbone diagrams and 5 why analysis as tools to find out the root causes of problems and formulate corrective actions that may be taken by the company. The most effective and efficient acceleration alternative in terms of time and cost that can be applied by the company is the alternative of additional labour. The additional labour alternative is able to reduce the duration of work with the smallest additional cost compared to other alternatives. Meanwhile, the factors that cause delays in project work can be seen from the root causes of each factor. The root cause of each factor is then used as the basis for formulating corrective actions that can be taken by the company.
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