
Breastfeeding rates in Jakarta have seen a significant increase, with a rise from 37.88% to 65.63% in exclusive breastfeeding for six months between 2015 and 2021. This achievement is not limited to full-time housewives but also includes working mothers who face the challenge of being away from their babies for extended periods. While breastfeeding is often promoted as a cost-effective option, working mothers encounter hidden expenses associated with breastfeeding equipment such as breast pumps, storage containers, and nursing accessories, with costs ranging from IDR 2.6 million to IDR 8.8 million per year. Consequently, in the present circumstances, the act of renting a breast pump has transformed into an essential requirement for employed mothers who are committed to breastfeeding. This decision allows them to mitigate superfluous costs and financial burdens. The research utilizes the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) framework to understand the impact of attitudes and subjective norms on behavioral intention, considering factors such as perceived usefulness, ease of use, compatibility, personal innovativeness, interpersonal influence, and external influence. Additionally, the research employs Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) to test the TRA. The TRA Analysis highlights the significance of internal and external influences, particularly in supporting subjective norms as the primary driver of behavior.


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