
This paper aims to review the latest developments and achievements in the fields of brand identification and brand loyalty. Based on this, a systematic data collection study on the Scopus database was conducted with 75 documents that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results showed that publications were recorded as early as 2004 in the subject areas of business, management, and accounting. The documents were dominated by authors from the United Kingdom and the United States, and the publication medium was generally Q1. The type of document is generally researched using quantitative methods with the Evaluation Research document type, with a total of 65 documents. Furthermore, the trend of research locus is in the field of hospitality by 18.3%. And the latest year-variable reference is 2020. Although only with one database, namely Scopus, this research has revealed a research map related to brand identification and brand loyalty, which will be a reference for future research.


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