Improvement of Turnaround Maintenance Project Execution Through Long-Term Specific Contracting Strategy (A Case Study: Gas Processing Plant in Indonesia)
Turnaround is crucial in maintaining reliability and ensuring the safety of the production operation facility in Central Processing Plant "CPP Senoro of JOB Tomori, as well as in minimizing downtime and Loss of Production Opportunity (LPO), which impact the performance and commitment of the Company to all stakeholders. For this reason, an improvement in total time utilization in the third Turnaround in 2024 is a significant concern. The researchers conducted qualitative research through interviews with several key personnel in the organization as respondents to comprehend the overall complexities of the TAR Project, which often occurred while carrying out the execution, because they might lead to failure to optimize the utilization of the total time (shutdown). Researchers also evaluate how the preferred contract strategy can be an alternative solution to minimize those constraints. This research aims to provide alternative solutions and recommendations to Company to optimize the total time (shutdown) utilization through a specific long-term contract strategy. The research considers specific long-term "incumbent" contracts as an alternative solution and the most suitable contract strategy to execute the third turnaround project in 2024.
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