
Change is indeed one of the struggles of any employee and company itself when there are changes in administration, leadership, and in-office occurs. Cognitive, affective, and behavioral adaptability in times of change are the three main facets of adaptability that are considered intrinsically related (Ashford and Taylor, 1990; Ployhart and Bliese, 2006; Van Dam, 2013). Marques (2016) concluded that acceptance grows as the changed situation loses its threats. Different dimensions are being distinguished such as open expressively, concealed, active, and passive support. Meanwhile, Rehman et al. (2021) mentioned that it is vital to shape the employees' resistive attitudes for the successful implementation of change, while their readiness greatly influences resistance (Banguntopo, 2018). The researchers further evaluated the personnel's adaptability, determined the personnel's acceptance, and assessed the personnel's resistance to change in local colleges. The researcher used descriptive-correlational research was valuable in providing facts that could form the basis of scientific judgment, which provided essential knowledge. The results revealed that the respondents displayed a high level of adaptability and acceptance, and strongly agreed to be resistant to change. Significant differences were observed in behavioral adaptability and openly expressive and passive support when grouped to position. Gen X group exhibited greater resistance to change in terms of behavioral response. Moreover, positive relationships among variables in different dimensions of change were identified as highly significant. The art of change allows organizations to ensure that new policies, procedures, and controls are adapted, accepted, and free from any form of resistance.


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