
The uprising trend of the sharing economy in accommodation and transportation brought fashion renting to the surface as another form of collaborative consumption. Fashion renting is big in developed countries. Yet, developing countries such as Indonesia are starting to see the rise of it, too, thanks to technology. This study is intended to see the factors that influence Indonesian consumers’ behaviour in fashion. In this study, the first factors that are being analysed are motivation (utilitarian motivation, hedonic motivation, and ecological motivation) and attitude toward fashion renting. Finally, it also studied if contamination moderates the attitude towards the behavioural intention to use fashion renting services. There were 100 Indonesian males and females who have used fashion renting services in the past two years. This study found a significant effect from hedonic motivation and ecological motivation to attitude towards fashion renting that later showed a significant effect towards behavioural intention in using fashion renting services. Furthermore, this study has shown no significant effect from utilitarian motivation towards attitude that might be caused by the limited variation of utilitarian studied. Additionally, this study showed contamination has no moderate impact on attitude towards behavioural intention in using fashion renting services.


Keywords: attitude, behavioral intention, contamination, ecological motivation, fashion renting, hedonic motivation, utilitarian motivation


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