
The aim of this study was to test the relationship between supervisor support for silence and organizational commitment, as well as testing the relationship between supervisor support for silence and organizational silence behavior.  The study also aimed to identify the relationship between organizational silence behavior and organizational commitment, as well as the test of the mediation role of silence behavior in the relationship between supervisor support for silence and organizational commitment.

The study was applied to a sample of (365) employees from Assiut university in Egypt.  The current study used Brinsfield (2009) scale to measure the supervisor support for silence, and organizational silence behavior which was prepared based on several studies (Morrison & Obligation either, Melliken; 2000; Pinder & Harlos, 2001;  Vakola & Buradas, 2005) where the organizational commitment was measured by Morrow (1983).

  Data analyzed using the SPSS program Data, as well as the AMOS program to test the quality of compatibility between data collected and theoretical data, and the structural model to test the hypotheses of the study.

The study found that there is a negative relationship between the supervisor's support for silence and the organizational commitment. There is a positive correlation between supervisor support for silence and organizational silence behavior and a negative relationship between the behavior of organizational silence and organizational commitment. The study also found that the Organizational Silence behavior mediated the relationship between Supervisor’s support for silence and the Organizational Commitment.  Directions for managerial implications are recommended to Assiut University. The study ended with the limitations and avenues for future research. 


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