The Moderator Role of Information Technology: Specific Determinants of Competence on Lecturer Performance in Seafarer Private Vocational Schools in Indonesia
We analyze the specific determinants of competence on lecturer performance as a moderator of information technology. The sampling method used is non-probability sampling that is 99 lecturers who work at 11 Seafarers Private Vocational Schools in Indonesia. The analysis used in hypothesis testing is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the help of WarpPLS Software version, 6.0. The results proved that the pedagogical competence (PDC) has a significant influence in improving lecturer performance (LCP), Personality or personal competence (PSC) is proven to increase lecturer performance (LCP). Social competence (SCC) has a significant positive effect on lecturer performance (LCP). Lecturers have the ability to manage learning while in the classroom; this is indicated by the ability of lecturers to master student characteristics so that they can present the material well. Professional competence (PFC) negative and no significant on lecturer performance (LCP). Seafarer technical competence (STC) negative insignificant effect on the lecturer performance (LCP), The Mastery of Information Technology (ITC) roles as a moderator can only be proven in testing the effect of Pedagogical competence (PDC) effect on lecturer performance (LCP), mean while in the other testing is not proven.
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