Analysis Of Factors Affecting the Value Of Manufacturing Industry Companies in the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX)
The purpose of this research is conducted to analyze factors the extent of influence (Liquidity - CR), (Leverage - DER), and (Dividend Policy - DPR) that can occur with (Firm Value - PBV). Manufacturing Industry Company was chosen because of fluctuations in stock prices that surged from the Composite Stock Price Index. The theory used is the signaling theory, trade-off theory, and dividend policy theory. The data used are secondary data with a sample collection method using purposive sampling. Where the research population is used is manufacturing industry companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) 2016-2018 observation period a number of 157 companies, with the final sample of this research obtained 34 selected companies that became the sample criteria. Data analysis techniques were performed using descriptive statistics and panel data regression analysis, with the help of the application E-views version 9.0 and Microsoft Excel 2013. The results of the research partially revealed that the variable (Leverage - DER) had an influence on (Firm Value - PBV) while the variable (Liquidity - CR) and (Dividend Policy - DPR) have no influence on Firm Value. And the independent variables affect the dependent variable by 16.64%.
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