Entrepreneurial Spirit of The Entrepreneurs and Non-Entrepreneurs Millennials
This research aims the analyze the entrepreneurial spirit of millennials both of the entrepreneur and the non-entrepreneur. The respondents of this research were the alumni of President University, as all of the alumni during their study in President University got the entrepreneurship subject as one of the university mandatory subject. Respondents data were collected by an online questionnaire, using the Google form. The valid data as much as 170 and processed with SPSS version 22. The result of the study shows that, there are differences of non-entrepreneur millennials and entrepreneur millennials. In correlation there is a positive and strong correlation of Passion, Innovation, Adaptability, Sustainability and Competitiveness to Performance of Entrepreneur and Non-Entrepreneur millennials. By descriptive analysis, millennials of the Non-Entrepreneurs have a higher mean compared with the millennials who are entrepreneurs.
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