Discontinuous Usage Intention of Millennials in Using Facebook: The Role of SNS Exhaustion Mediates Social Overload
Social Networking Sites (SNS) or commonly called social media is an online service that aims to build social relationships with users who share their interests and activities. Percentage of Facebook users decreased during 2018 from January 2018 which was initially 75.5% to 66.3% in December 2018. Users complain about the excessive influence of SNS on their lives and react in various forms of behavior to stop using services. Non-continuous use as a user behavior towards stress due to SNS fatigue and social overload. The sample used is 60 respondents which are determined using the purposive sampling method. The data collection technique utilized is by questionnaires with the Likert scale measurement method, while the data are analyzed using the path analysis technique. The research results show that the social overload on SNS exhaustion and SNS exhaustion variable on discontinuous usage intention have a positive and significant influence but social overload on discontinuous usage intention have a positive but non significant effect. Likewise, SNS exhaustion is able to mediate the influence of social overload on discontinuous usage intention. Users can actively control their behavior to avoid potential negative results caused by social overload. Social media providers must effectively prevent the emergence of negative emotions from users by providing a system that gives users to manage whatever information they can receive and share only with a few people so that users do not receive information about their friends on Facebook excessively.
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