The Effect of Entrepreneurial Education on Students’ Career Ambitions Conducting ASTEE Questionnaire in Algerian Universities
In Algeria, the debate on the role of higher education is flourishing; it is very much concerned with meeting the needs of the labor market, youth unemployment rates, and promoting knowledge transfer between university and industry.
Our study offered an overview of higher education system in Algeria, and tried to evaluate the influence of entrepreneurship courses taken at university and outside it on supporting student entrepreneurial intention.
This study was applied at the faculties of Business and Economics, in three Algerian universities, from November 2019 to January 2020, on a sample of 293 comprised students of the 1st to 3rd year.
By conducting the ASTEE questionnaire which contained 57 questions covering multiple dimensions including demographic questions, we confirmed that there were significant differences in all dimensions between Algerian entrepreneurially educated students and European entrepreneurially also non-entrepreneurially educated respondents, which explain the crucial role of university in promoting entrepreneurship. Our results affirmed that, unlike males, females tend to be innovative employees than being entrepreneurs.
Despite of the satisfactory result, Algeria is invited to be keener in the use of modern methods and in the use of specialized frameworks in teaching entrepreneurship, In addition Algeria should pay more concern to generalize entrepreneurial education in other specializations of university.
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